for Pelvic Floor Strengthening & intimate wellness
What is the Emsella Chair?
Emsella Chair – This is a solution for incontinence which is estimated to affect over six million people in the UK, and hundreds of millions of people worldwide. However, it is still seen as a taboo subject by many, and around half of women who suffer from urinary incontinence won’t ever seek help or treatment for their condition.
As we age, the muscles that hold our bladder and control continence often become weaker, and this can be exacerbated by the steep drop in oestrogen and collagen during the menopause, as well as vaginal childbirth, which puts great strain on the muscles in the area. Normally, these muscles, known as the pelvic floor muscles, hold the bladder tightly to give it support and create a muscular barrier that we need to consciously relax to urinate. However, if these muscles become stretched, weakened or damaged in some way, there isn’t this strong muscle barrier, and it may be harder to control the bladder, leading to leaking, dribbles and difficulty holding urine for longer periods of time.

There are 3 common types of urinary incontinence, urge, stress and mixed. There are a variety which may cause incontinence, and they all can lead to significant discomfort, embarrassment or loss of freedom and independence. For many sufferers of incontinence, when you go out, you may have to plan your day around managing your symptoms, including where the nearest toilet is at all times, whether you have enough pads and what kind of clothes you should wear. It can also stop people from taking part in their hobbies and the things they enjoy doing, like sports and social activities.
The Emsella chair, created by award-winning medical and aesthetics manufacturer BTL, aims to help strengthen the pelvic floor muscles again and give patients back control of their bladder. It is a completely painless, non-invasive and non-surgical treatment used to improve the symptoms of incontinence and can be carried out in twenty-eight minutes per session. Unlike many non-surgical incontinence treatments, it is completely non-invasive and can be carried out fully clothed.
The Emsella chair uses HIFEM (High-Intensity Focused Electromagnetic) frequencies to independently target the pelvic floor muscles and muscles at the neck of the bladder. This causes the muscles to contract and release, in the same way standard kegel exercises do. However, with the Emsella chair, the muscles are given a workout equivalent to 11,000 kegel exercises per treatment session!
BTL Emsella is so effective as it contracts the pelvic floor muscles to what is called the supramaximal level. As the treatment targets the pelvic floor muscles directly, and doesn’t require neuromuscular control, they can contract far more than they would consciously, creating the highly effective results that we see from our patients that simply can’t be achieved using manual kegel exercises alone.
The Emsella treatment also triggers the body’s natural production processes to create new muscle fibres and proteins, which further strengthens and tones the pelvic floor and bladder muscles, and improves the neuromuscular links between the brain and the bladder, which helps significantly to treat the symptoms of urge incontinence.
Types of Incontinence.
There are generally three common types of urinary incontinence: Stress incontinence, Urge incontinence and mixed incontinence. BTL Emsella technology can be used to treat all three types effectively.
- Stress incontinence is the most common form of incontinence, and is characterised by a difficulty holding urine when the bladder is put under physical strain, such as coughing, sneezing, laughing, jumping or lifting heavy objects. Stress incontinence occurs when the pelvic floor muscles and the muscles at the neck of the bladder become weakened. For many sufferers, this is caused by the muscles naturally weakening as we age. As collagen is lost, muscles all over the body weaken and lose tone, and the pelvic floor muscles are no exception. Stress incontinence can also be caused by vaginal childbirth, as, unsurprisingly, the muscles in this area are put under significant strain during vaginal childbirth. Generally, regular continence is restored from around six weeks to three months after giving birth, however, in cases where there has been a particularly long, complex or difficult birth, multiple vaginal births or birth to larger babies, regular continence may not return without intervention.
- Urge incontinence is caused when the detrusor muscles in the wall of the bladder don’t extend and contract in the way they normally should. Normally, the detrusor muscles expand as the bladder fills, and then contract as the bladder empties, in conjunction with the relaxation of the pelvic floor muscles. However, in cases of urge incontinence, the detrusor muscles contract irregularly, causing the sensation of needing to urinate, even when the bladder is empty or nearly empty. This is also known as an overactive bladder. Urge incontinence is generally caused by an underlying condition, including diabetes, urinary tract infections (UTIs) or neuromuscular conditions.
- Mixed incontinence occurs when the symptoms of both stress and urge incontinence are present, and can be caused by a variety of conditions, including a combination of stress and urge incontinence conditions.
Emsella is unique among intimate health treatments as it offers highly successful results in a completely non-invasive treatment.
Patients can sit, read a book or magazine, and talk to friends and family fully clothed while having an Emsella treatment, without any embarrassment or discomfort.
Emsella treatment takes less than half an hour per session, and is not at all painful, so your experience with us will always be quick and comfortable.
Emsella also targets the muscles directly, allowing the treatment to be effective for stress, urge and mixed incontinence. This makes the treatment a brilliant alternative to traditional kegel exercises, as they are time consuming, difficult, take a long time to have any significant effects, and in some more severe cases, aren’t actually possible, due to a severe weakness in the pelvic floor muscles.
Emsella is an effective and simple treatment to help increase the strength of the pelvic floor muscles quickly, and reduce the symptoms of incontinence.
The Benefits of Emsella
- Emsella is unique among intimate health treatments as it offers highly successful results in a completely non-invasive treatment.
- Patients can sit, read a book or magazine, and talk to friends and family fully clothed while having an Emsella treatment, without any embarrassment or discomfort.
- Emsella treatment takes less than half an hour per session, and is not at all painful, so your experience with us will always be quick and comfortable.
- Emsella also targets the muscles directly, allowing the treatment to be effective for stress, urge and mixed incontinence. This makes the treatment a brilliant alternative to traditional kegel exercises, as they are time consuming, difficult, take a long time to have any significant effects, and in some more severe cases, aren’t actually possible, due to a severe weakness in the pelvic floor muscles.
- Emsella is an effective and simple treatment to help increase the strength of the pelvic floor muscles quickly, and reduce the symptoms of incontinence.
If you wish to book a FREE consultation telephone call with our Registered Nurse Edith, please enter a general enquiry in the box provided on the website, email or send us a message on 07710590012 to schedule! It is recommended that you complete a minimum of six sessions initially. We would suggest doing two sessions per week or once a week and then undergo top-up maintenance sessions once every 3-6 months dependent on your symptoms. The course of six treatments is £600 (£100 per session), the treatments can be paid as you go along with the course, or we also offer monthly payment plans.